Saturday, November 27, 2010

Potential Exercise Freak?!

So, the other day I went running and didn’t stretch properly. For the last 2-3 days my knees and thighs have been really sore. Squatting and climbing stairs have been a real challenge. Well, I went running again today and, after stretching properly, the first couple laps were difficult. I felt like I could barely lift my legs and I even had to stop and re-stretch. But during the third lap, my knees magically started feeling better! After running 4 laps (roughly) my knees are still a little sore but this is the best they’ve felt all week! Yay!

Also, I’ve noticed that I’m in a really good mood after running! Even if I only run 15 or 30 minutes! And I know there’s no possible way there could be a visible change in my appearance after only one workout, but I still feel thinner and more confident after each session. So maybe there is something to this whole ‘exercise makes you happy’ thing after all?!

And hopefully my knees will forgive me after tomorrow’s run…

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of people wearing these weird, flipper-type foot coverings as they walk through Central Park. 
Vibram Five-Fingers, about $75-$100

I read an article in the NY Times by Amy Cortese, saying that these are the latest trend in fitness shoes. Many doctors and scientists are saying that we don’t need all that extra stuff on our shoes and it actually makes our feet weak to rely on all that extra cushioning, support, etc. By wearing these paired down shoes, it supposedly makes our feet stronger, and improves our posture.
I’m a little skeptical, and I'm not the only one. These seem to be some pretty controversial shoes.
Has anyone tried these shoes and can give a review of these things? I’m very curious if they actually work or if it’s just a gimmick…

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