Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weigh In

Yay! I think its actually working! It's hard to tell on my scale since it's not digital, but it looks like I'm now 145 lbs! Which means I've lost 1-2 lbs in one week! (I've read that loosing 2 lbs a week is considered fast, and people who loose weight too quickly are less likely to keep the weight off when they stop dieting. So, loosing weight slowly, about 1 lb a week, is preferable.)

Just so you know, I've been eating a full meal in the morning, usually 1 1/2 cups of coffee with 2% milk and 1 spoon of sugar, a sandwich of cinnamon/raisin bread with brie and smoked salmon, then about 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and 2 spoons of pineapple. For lunch I have 1 Slimfast shake (strawberry is my fav) and a salad. Dinner is either a Slimfast with some nuts or spinach salad with either mozzarella cubes, walnuts and olives or 1 boiled egg and some avocado. I've been cutting out the drinks with sugar (except coffee) and the daily pasta at lunch (thanks to the family meal at work). And I'm a pastry cook, so cutting out sugar completely is impossible but I try to keep tastings to a minimum.
Tip- I've found that a 6-pack of Slimfast is cheaper at Target, about $6, than it is at drugstores like Walgreens or RiteAid, etc., about $10! Also, these shakes really only fill me up for about 2-3 hours, so something extra is necessary. But they are fast and easy!

Also, for the Fat Girl Slim report:  I've been using it once a day (instead of the recommended twice a day) and have definitely noticed a difference in my skin's texture. It seems smoother, tighter, and firmer. Also, I think I can see a small difference in the areas that had miner cellulite problems. The big problem areas still have noticeable cellulite though. My biggest complaint is that the bottle doesn't last very long. I've been using it only 5 days and I'm already half-way through the bottle! And they say you should use it a full month to see a 'major' change. Although, I am kind of using it over most of my body. But what can I say?! I have serious cellulite needs!
I've also really come to love the tingly sensation that comes with the lotion. I use it in the morning, after my workout and shower, and it makes me feel invigorated and awake! 

As for the exercise rumors, I haven't really noticed a huge boost of energy except for in the mornings. And I can tell you, I really start to feel sluggish around 7 or 8, and I still have about 3-4 hours left on my shift! That's the worst. But mornings are great! And I think the appetite suppressant rumored to go along with exercise only lasts for as long as you are physically in motion, or maybe 30 minutes after. I mean, the last thing on my mind when I'm running around that track, is food. Mainly I think about not tripping over my own feet, how to keep the sweat out of my eyes, and how to get enough air in my lungs. Although I will say I haven't noticed any increase in appetite and that might be pretty impressive in itself considering I'm eating less calories and burning more too. Also, a friend of mine suggested taking vitamins to help keep my energy up. I'm trying not to resort to more coffee, but it's just so gooood! (Self-confessed java addict here.)

There's a great website that my mom actually introduced me to (gotta give props to mom!) that is supposed to help out with weight-loss goals, called SparkPeople.  The site itself can be a little overwhelming with all of it's features, but it's a great one-stop site to find tons of info about diet, exercise, and motivation. It really seems to have a great sense of community and I find the success stories very inspirational. I haven't actually read the book series that this site is based on, but if you have, I'd love to hear your take on it!

So have a great week everybody and keep on truck'n!

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