If you feel like you've become trapped by your routine, snap out of it and take a look around! Learn to appreciate the simple things in life (like in the movie, Amelie!)
or make a game of trying to find as many things that are different as possible. I love to people-watch on my morning commute. I love to try and find the person with the most outrageous hair, clothes, or shoes.
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Aren't you glad subways don't look like this anymore?! |
Or the kids that are driving their moms crazy. Or the couple who are so in love with each other, they don't even know anyone else exists. Make the choice to change the way you think or view life!
And if you can't do that, than change your life. Find a new route to work, even if it means waking up a little earlier. Do something simple like buying yourself some nail-polish or a new color of lipstick. Go to a makeup store like Sephora and get them to give you a free makeup demo. You'll be amazed what such a little change can do to your outlook. Or buy some flowers for your room. Buy, or make, a card to send a hand-written card (remember those) to an old friend. For no reason whatsoever. Try to plan a mini-adventure. Or make goals for yourself! They can be small or big, like leave no staircase unclimbed, or start a blog (ahem!), learn a language, or a musical instrument. Take up a hobby. Volunteer or get more involved with your community. Go to a farmers or flea market. Have a garage sale and de-clutter your life! Start a garden! Learn photography! I could go on but I'd be writing a novel.
On the flip side of that, I've been reading a book lately whose author says that all these things are just to distract us from our solitude. Not loneliness, but solitude. Because, as a society, we are taught that solitude is bad. Instead, we should learn to embrace our solitude and be content with our lives, the way they are.
I can neither agree or disagree with that philosophy. I think it is very healthy to be content with what you have, but I also think there is nothing wrong with striving for more and to live your life to the fullest.
Anyways, my point is that there are so many things in the world to see, learn, do and discover. How can we possibly become bored?! Again. Take control of your life and make a change!
There's an exercise that I read once in a book by The Smart Cookies, about "The Perfect Day." Your assignment is to write out a day, from your dream life. You have to write it out starting from the moment you wake up, to the moment you fall asleep. In detail. Describe where you live, what you live in, what you eat, what you're wearing, what kind of people surround you in your life, if you have a job- what kind of job, how do you spend your time, what is your form of transportation, even down to what you are thinking about before your head hits the pillow on that perfect day. It has to be your perfect, ideal day. Then, when you're finished, choose the top 3 things that make you happiest about this day. Do you have those 3 things in your life? If not, make a plan to get those 3 things in your life stat.
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