Friday, December 24, 2010

Down To Business

So, with all this time on my hands lately, I've been catching up with friends, running long-overdue errands, & socializing in general, but now it's time for me to get down to business.

The main reason I wanted to start this series of coffee shop reviews is because the dream business I would like to eventually start is a coffee shop/bakery. Also because I like coffee. But this will be my way of learning how the pros do it, doing market research, getting ideas, and learning about what I do and do not want for my business.

The first two places I've chosen to review are Gimme Coffee! and Doughnut Plant.

The Gimme Coffee is located on Mott St. between Spring and Prince. They are known for their espressos and cold-brewed coffee, but I decided to order a cup of their Columbia Finca San Luis Organic, pour-over, brewed coffee because I just got a cute little pour-over of my very own for my coffee at work. My boyfriend ordered a small chai. I also bought a bag of Sumatra Wahana coffee beans, which they were nice enough to grind for me to my specification. (TIP- For a pour-over, grind coffee slightly coarser than espresso, like the consistency of sugar. Especially if you're using a paper filter.)

The first thing I noticed upon approaching the coffee shop was the crowd of people outside. We arrived kind of later than I would have liked, around 1 in the afternoon on a Sunday, but there was still a large crowd outside. They were the usual SoHo/upper class-hipster/too-cool-for-school crowd. Not to be confused with your college hipster crowd. 

Outside Gimme Coffee!
When I entered the shop, it was pretty crowded and small with a line going to the door. This was clearly meant to be a fast, in and out set-up because there were no chairs or tables to sit at. There wasn't even a window counter to stand at and enjoy your coffee while you people-watched. 

Despite the distinct 'no-lingering' vibe I got from the decor, the baristas (also very hipster) were very friendly and accommodating, being sure to ask me how my day was. The barista manning the espresso machine was obviously a pro, with his hands flying in a smooth ballet of precise, choreographed movements. However, the wait for the espressos and coffees seemed to be quite long. Hopefully because they were making sure it was the perfect shot? I also liked how they had large and clearly printed signs describing all the qualities of each of their specialty coffees, which, for a budding coffee connoisseur such as myself, was very helpful. When I finally received my order, I was a little underwhelmed. My medium coffee was a nice, average medium size, but my boyfriend's small chai was indeed tiny. And maybe I'm too accustomed to my dark, French roast coffee, or my concentrated morning cup from my Cuban coffee maker, or maybe it's my inexperience, but I felt their coffee was pretty weak. Not in a watered down kind of way, but I felt my usual milk would have overwhelmed my coffee. Even the chai we ordered had a good flavor but ended very weak, but I enjoy a little spicy bite to my chai. Maybe that's just a personal preference. Perhaps it was my fault for not ordering their signature espresso. After all, I didn't see anyone else there ordering a pour-over coffee... maybe for a good reason. It wasn't bad coffee, just so-so.

The bag of coffee I bought was a little lighter than I was expecting for a medium-dark blend, but turned out pretty good after I tinkered around with my usual brewing amount. The first cup I made was way too weak and acidic and my usual amount of sugar was far too much. But after tweaking the amounts I was pleasantly surprised that I could actually identify that 'woodsy' flavor described on the packaging!

The second place we went to was Doughnut Plant, about a 12 block walk through Chinatown. By the way, never walk through Chinatown without cash, it's torture! 

Good crab, not to be confused with bad crab.

Cool sidewalk art we saw outside a locksmith's shop on our walk to Doughnut Plant. (Those are real keys inside the cement!)

Again, the first thing I see at Doughnut Plant is the line snaking out the door. There are moms and dads with their kids and a group of college kids all waiting in line and looking at the sign outside listing the specials of the day. 
Front of Doughnut Plant
Decisions, Decisions...

Inside, there are no tables, but there is a small wall counter with some stools and a ledge to sit on by the window. Not that anyone was sitting at the counters. The line was winding all over the interior of the space, leaving no room to sit. 

There are two t.v.s though. Both  tuned in to the Food Network (naturally). The decor is minimal industrial and very nice. All of which, leads to a counter where the cashier takes your order and hands you your goods, while another person stands by ready to pop a fresh batch of steaming donuts from the kitchen window to the waiting display case. They had many interesting flavors, but my favorite by far was the Creme Brulee

My biggest complaint about these places was the lack of seating and space. I guess the main purpose of these establishments is that they have one product and all of their focus goes into the production and service of that product, but I couldn't help but wish for a seat to relax and enjoy my coffee and donuts. That's one thing I know I'd like for my coffee shop/bakery- space to sit, linger, and enjoy the atmosphere. Maybe it's a zoning/license thing though? And they can't have a large number of people in that small amount of space?

In any case, I hope you have a great holiday filled with love, happiness, and lots of coffee! haha!
And, if you've been to either of these places and have something to add to this review, I'd love to read your comments!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Holiday Gift Guide

Well this is a long time coming, but what can I say? Getting ready for the holidays is no mean feat!
After 13 dozen cookies, 11 packages, 1 hour in the Post Office and countless hours pounding the pavement for the perfect (and inexpensive) gift, I'm finally posting a Gift Guide. Hope you enjoy! Pretty Shinys Yayyyy!

1. Nordicware Commercial Heritage Bundt Pan-$44,  Just love those grooves  2. UO Tortoiseshell Watch-$28, Digging this classic menswear style in a modern look  3. Swissgold Coffee Filter-$30, Some girls ask for a gold ring, I want a gold coffee filter! haha  4. Jelly by Bompass & Parr-$18, I'm like, Whoa  5. Domino: The Book of Decorating-$22, More Pretties!  6. Kitchenaid Mixer-$200, Dare to dream- sigh  7. Nifty Napkins-$32, I can totally see me using these in my kitchen- love  8. Aerobie 80R08 AeroPress Coffee and Espresso Maker-$25 not really a true espresso maker, but it allegedly makes a near perfect cup of coffee, and you can't beat that price!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Major Hiccup & Picnic

Well, it’s been a very eventful month! I haven’t written in a while because of some major changes in my life!

For one thing, the owners of the restaurant where I work decided to let my current chef go. Leaving me in charge of the pastry department, by myself! Meaning that, until they found a replacement, I was working 13 hrs a day, 7 days a week!

At the same time, I got a phone call out-of-the-blue from a fashion company who had seen my old design portfolio posted online (thank you!) and was interested in hiring me for a full-time photography gig! After three interviews, they decided to offer me the job. And even though they were offering it to me for the same money I was making at the restaurant, I decided to take it because I would be working a normal 9-6 schedule, Monday through Friday, with two days off, paid vacations, and health insurance!

When I told my employers I was leaving, they were very surprised and even offered me more money. But I still said no. At that point it wasn’t just about the money. I hadn’t seen my family in a year and a half, I hadn’t seen my friends in months, and the only reason I even saw my boyfriend at all was because we were living together! Also, if I’m going to open my own business in 5 years I need to do a lot of work to come up with a business plan, a product, market research, and… oh yeah, learn how to run a business! Which I would not be able to do with my current schedule. Basically, I needed time even more than I needed money. I was burnt-out and exhausted after only one and a half years in the kitchen!

So, for the sake of the bigger picture (and my sanity), I took the job. It was a tough decision though because, despite the long hours, hard work and almost daily panic attacks, I really did love my work. I’m hoping that after a few months of ‘normal’ work hours and some R&R, I can get a weekend job at a bakery or coffee shop, to keep my hand in and to learn about my other passion:  COFFEE! Not to mention, I’ll be making a little extra money! Yay!

Due to the extreme hours, I’m afraid my diet and exercise went out the window and those 5 pounds I lost in my month of hard work, came back with a vengeance! But all is not lost, we have to accept the hiccups that happen in life and start again! So, I’m working out again and even though I haven’t been running in a month or more, I didn’t experience the same aches and pains I had when I first started! (I’m very happy about that.) It may have to do with my new schedule since I’m running in the evening now, instead of the morning. I feel like I'm more limber and I have more energy, like I could run forever! (Could it be? I’m actually starting to like running?!) Although I strongly recommend not running on a full stomach- it’s a horrible feeling. My only complaint is that if I run too late and then eat, I end up eating right before bed and that’s not good for loosing weight. I’ll have to figure out a better schedule...

So, we win some, we lose some. And now I have more time to write to you, my lovely readers! I intend to start a new series in my blog, writing reviews of coffee shops here in New York! I will start with the most popular shops known for their coffee and then I will explore and broaden my criteria in search of the ideal experience and food. (And coffee of course!)
(This is not my photo, but it's def. my preferred coffee method. The Cuban Coffee Maker)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Potential Exercise Freak?!

So, the other day I went running and didn’t stretch properly. For the last 2-3 days my knees and thighs have been really sore. Squatting and climbing stairs have been a real challenge. Well, I went running again today and, after stretching properly, the first couple laps were difficult. I felt like I could barely lift my legs and I even had to stop and re-stretch. But during the third lap, my knees magically started feeling better! After running 4 laps (roughly) my knees are still a little sore but this is the best they’ve felt all week! Yay!

Also, I’ve noticed that I’m in a really good mood after running! Even if I only run 15 or 30 minutes! And I know there’s no possible way there could be a visible change in my appearance after only one workout, but I still feel thinner and more confident after each session. So maybe there is something to this whole ‘exercise makes you happy’ thing after all?!

And hopefully my knees will forgive me after tomorrow’s run…

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of people wearing these weird, flipper-type foot coverings as they walk through Central Park. 
Vibram Five-Fingers, about $75-$100

I read an article in the NY Times by Amy Cortese, saying that these are the latest trend in fitness shoes. Many doctors and scientists are saying that we don’t need all that extra stuff on our shoes and it actually makes our feet weak to rely on all that extra cushioning, support, etc. By wearing these paired down shoes, it supposedly makes our feet stronger, and improves our posture.
I’m a little skeptical, and I'm not the only one. These seem to be some pretty controversial shoes.
Has anyone tried these shoes and can give a review of these things? I’m very curious if they actually work or if it’s just a gimmick…


Someone I work with was recently complaining that what he hates most is the 'routine' of life. The same old job, the same old wife, the same people at work. The same routine everyday. But I was thinking: this guy has it all wrong! He's talking like he's completely at the mercy of this 'routine.' I say- it's your life, take control!

If you feel like you've become trapped by your routine, snap out of it and take a look around! Learn to appreciate the simple things in life (like in the movie, Amelie!) 

or make a game of trying to find as many things that are different as possible. I love to people-watch on my morning commute. I love to try and find the person with the most outrageous hair, clothes, or shoes. 

Aren't you glad subways don't look like this anymore?!

Or the kids that are driving their moms crazy. Or the couple who are so in love with each other, they don't even know anyone else exists. Make the choice to change the way you think or view life!

And if you can't do that, than change your life. Find a new route to work, even if it means waking up  a little earlier. Do something simple like buying yourself some nail-polish or  a new color of lipstick. Go to a makeup store like Sephora and get them to give you a free makeup demo.  You'll be amazed what such a little change can do to your outlook. Or buy some flowers for your room. Buy, or make, a card to send a hand-written card (remember those) to an old friend. For no reason whatsoever. Try to plan a mini-adventure. Or make goals for yourself! They can be small or big, like leave no staircase unclimbed, or start a blog (ahem!), learn a language, or a musical instrument. Take up a hobby. Volunteer or get more involved with your community. Go to a farmers or flea market. Have a garage sale and de-clutter your life! Start a garden! Learn photography! I could go on but I'd be writing a novel.

On the flip side of that, I've been reading a book lately whose author says that all these things are just to distract us from our solitude. Not loneliness, but solitude. Because, as a society, we are taught that solitude is bad. Instead, we should learn to embrace our solitude and be content with our lives, the way they are.

I can neither agree or disagree with that philosophy. I think it is very healthy to be content with what you have, but I also think there is nothing wrong with striving for more and to live your life to the fullest.

Anyways, my point is that there are so many things in the world to see, learn, do and discover. How can we possibly become bored?! Again. Take control of your life and make a change!

There's an exercise that I read once in a book by The Smart Cookies, about "The Perfect Day." Your assignment is to write out a day, from your dream life. You have to write it out starting from the moment you wake up, to the moment you fall asleep. In detail. Describe where you live, what you live in, what you eat, what you're wearing, what kind of people surround you in your life, if you have a job- what kind of job, how do you spend your time, what is your form of transportation, even down to what you are thinking about before your head hits the pillow on that perfect day. It has to be your perfect, ideal day. Then, when you're finished, choose the top 3 things that make you happiest about this day. Do you have those 3 things in your life? If not, make a plan to get those 3 things in your life stat. 

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weigh In

Yay! I think its actually working! It's hard to tell on my scale since it's not digital, but it looks like I'm now 145 lbs! Which means I've lost 1-2 lbs in one week! (I've read that loosing 2 lbs a week is considered fast, and people who loose weight too quickly are less likely to keep the weight off when they stop dieting. So, loosing weight slowly, about 1 lb a week, is preferable.)

Just so you know, I've been eating a full meal in the morning, usually 1 1/2 cups of coffee with 2% milk and 1 spoon of sugar, a sandwich of cinnamon/raisin bread with brie and smoked salmon, then about 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and 2 spoons of pineapple. For lunch I have 1 Slimfast shake (strawberry is my fav) and a salad. Dinner is either a Slimfast with some nuts or spinach salad with either mozzarella cubes, walnuts and olives or 1 boiled egg and some avocado. I've been cutting out the drinks with sugar (except coffee) and the daily pasta at lunch (thanks to the family meal at work). And I'm a pastry cook, so cutting out sugar completely is impossible but I try to keep tastings to a minimum.
Tip- I've found that a 6-pack of Slimfast is cheaper at Target, about $6, than it is at drugstores like Walgreens or RiteAid, etc., about $10! Also, these shakes really only fill me up for about 2-3 hours, so something extra is necessary. But they are fast and easy!

Also, for the Fat Girl Slim report:  I've been using it once a day (instead of the recommended twice a day) and have definitely noticed a difference in my skin's texture. It seems smoother, tighter, and firmer. Also, I think I can see a small difference in the areas that had miner cellulite problems. The big problem areas still have noticeable cellulite though. My biggest complaint is that the bottle doesn't last very long. I've been using it only 5 days and I'm already half-way through the bottle! And they say you should use it a full month to see a 'major' change. Although, I am kind of using it over most of my body. But what can I say?! I have serious cellulite needs!
I've also really come to love the tingly sensation that comes with the lotion. I use it in the morning, after my workout and shower, and it makes me feel invigorated and awake! 

As for the exercise rumors, I haven't really noticed a huge boost of energy except for in the mornings. And I can tell you, I really start to feel sluggish around 7 or 8, and I still have about 3-4 hours left on my shift! That's the worst. But mornings are great! And I think the appetite suppressant rumored to go along with exercise only lasts for as long as you are physically in motion, or maybe 30 minutes after. I mean, the last thing on my mind when I'm running around that track, is food. Mainly I think about not tripping over my own feet, how to keep the sweat out of my eyes, and how to get enough air in my lungs. Although I will say I haven't noticed any increase in appetite and that might be pretty impressive in itself considering I'm eating less calories and burning more too. Also, a friend of mine suggested taking vitamins to help keep my energy up. I'm trying not to resort to more coffee, but it's just so gooood! (Self-confessed java addict here.)

There's a great website that my mom actually introduced me to (gotta give props to mom!) that is supposed to help out with weight-loss goals, called SparkPeople.  The site itself can be a little overwhelming with all of it's features, but it's a great one-stop site to find tons of info about diet, exercise, and motivation. It really seems to have a great sense of community and I find the success stories very inspirational. I haven't actually read the book series that this site is based on, but if you have, I'd love to hear your take on it!

So have a great week everybody and keep on truck'n!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Money Matters

All this talk about running and weight-loss and creams and I haven't even touched base with my main reason for doing all of this!
I have decided to become a millionaire.

It started a few months ago when I was going through the latest in a long list of financial crisis. A friend of mine decided to quit her job and trade stocks on her own dime and time. There were times she would make $2000 a week. To me, making $450 a week after taxes, this seemed as magical as winning the lottery. But lots of people make money through stocks, so why not me? So I headed out to the library to see if I could find a book to teach me about trading stocks.  I walked away with many books, but the one that had the most impact was a book called The Millionaire Maker. Now, I have to say this book really makes it seem easy and totally plausible to quit your job tomorrow, start a business, that will obviously be an immediate success, bringing you extra money, which you can then invest and save, making more money which you then use to re-invest in rental properties that will bring you additional income, etc... etc... that will generate this whole money-making cycle. Making you a millionaire in just 3-5 years. Provided you're not in debt. 
All of this sounds completely possible and these seem to be sound business practices to reach your millionaire goal. In theory. However, most of the examples in this book, even the examples of people deeply in debt, had some kind of assets to work with. 401K plans, savings, work history, houses or cars. Some kind of assets to trade, cash out, refinance, or borrow against. But I was very inspired. I wanted to quit my job immediately, start a business and jump in feet first. So I started to take a good hard  look at my life, financially, and realised... I have none of these things.
No savings, no disposable income to speak of, sometimes I have less than $5 in my account at the end of the week and its a struggle just to buy milk, no car (as I live in NYC), also no house or apartment. I rent a room on a week to week basis (that's probably not entirely legal) in what is easily the crappiest apartment I have ever lived in. (Another entry in and of itself.) I cashed out the $700 I had in 401K the last time I was laid off, so no valuables to speak of with which to sell, and I work 10-13 hours a day, 6 days a week, which leaves no time to work a second job since finding time to do laundry or buy groceries is a challenge, and since I changed careers a little over a year ago, I have very few skills and experience to pull from. Also, I have a mountain of debt, around $33,000.
So. How does someone with almost nothing become a millionaire?
For one thing, I have decided to start this blog. Partly to keep me focused on my goals, partly to inspire others in my situation and, in turn, be inspired by my readers, and, yes, partly to receive extra money from ads posted here. That's right my little sweater-monkeys, I fully intend to use all of you as part of my springboard to success. Muuah-hahahahahaha. ha. In an ethical, honest, up-front kind of way, of course!
According to The Millionaire Maker book there are many steps to becoming a millionaire and what step you start with depends on your current financial status. At the moment my only assets are my limited skill set and my job. Ideally, I will use these assets to make a money making machine (i.e.- business). My goal is to get some kind of passive income (i.e.- investments where my money works for me instead of me working for money), get out of debt, and build some kind of savings.
So first of all, I called all my credit cards and negotiated with them to lower my APR's, allowing me to make more than just the minimum payments and pay off my credit cards faster. Now, I know you can also get credit unions and debt consolidators to do this for you but so many of them are just shady con-men, out to get your money. And why pay someone else to do what you are perfectly capable of doing yourself?! My most ambitious success was when I negotiated the biggest credit card with the highest debt and APR from $260/month to $210/month. I know this doesn't seem like much, but they also lowered my APR from close to 35% (outrageous by the way) to 5% (Amen, Hallelujah)! Meaning that almost all of that $210 was now going towards paying off my balance instead of paying off my banks' salaries. They also closed my account, but the hit to my credit was a small price to pay considering I would be out from under this ginormous debt in as little as 5 years!
Unfortunately, my next highest balance refused to go lower since they were already pretty low at 9%. And my last credit card also refused to go lower. Although I don't know why. And while it was not my highest balance, it is still my highest APR at 16%. And this has earned them a place in my sights. They are now at the top of my list to pay off. I also have subsidized government student loans at the tune of $14,000 but I got very lucky and locked in an APR of 2%. And since student loans are not considered 'bad debt', I'm not too worried about this one., that will compare rates from all kinds of banks and all kinds of accounts- very helpful. I would also  suggest reading a book called, Young, Broke, and Fabulous, by Suze Orman to teach you the basics of managing your money. It's very easy to read and understandable.
Now my next step is to start some kind of cash machine (i.e.- easy money), some kind of business with a low start up and overhead, using skills I already have, which will give me money to put towards following my bigger passions and goals and starting my dream business. To do all of this though I will need to find a different job that will give me less hours and the same or equal pay to what I'm making now. Spending more time on a money making business!
So away we go my little money-makers!
And just to prove that my life is not a total crap-fest, I will share with you a song I first heard only a few short weeks after I decided to become a millionaire. I took it as a sign and I hope that all of you will enjoy it as much as I do... 
I Wanna Be a Billionaire

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ignorance is Bliss?

Today I was thinking about the creative process, my process in particular, and how knowing too much about something tends to put me in a kind of writers', or artists', block. When I was studying fashion, getting to see how The Greats work and getting involved with all the cutting edge trends. I would find myself utterly lost on how to proceed with my own designs! I was on information overload, bombarded with too many images and trends going in every possible direction. Finding my own direction and inspiration seemed impossible. I felt cursed by the infinite possibilities and options. Which one was the 'right' direction, or option, or whatever?

Now I can't speak for everyone. And I know there are plenty of people out there with completely different views but I will say this... What's wrong with not having the perfect product or idea?! Sometimes we get so bogged down in getting things 'perfect' that we never actually launch our idea/product/design etc. at all! I mean haven't you heard of Betas? Also, I can say from personal experience that sometimes Ignorance is Bliss. If I had known then what I know now, I never even would have tried to change careers the way I did.

Basically, I did a Google search for the best bakeries in NYC and just went down the list, cold-calling to see if anyone would be willing to teach me if I worked for free. I was on unemployment at the time, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to afford to make that kind of offer. As I got rejection after rejection, I finally got someone willing to interview me. He was a French pastry chef with an amazing reputation and was leaving his current job to help open an upscale Italian restaurant. He started me off on a trial period of 3 weeks to see if I worked out. Well, he must have seen something promising because I've been there over a year now! "There is just on snag," he said. "You have to be on the payroll for insurance purposes." Turns out all those restaurants were rejecting me because I wouldn't have been covered under their insurance if something happened to me in their kitchens! I would have been a huge liability! Thank God for crazy French chefs who know nothing about American laws! I couldn't believe my luck! I was actually getting paid to learn! And if I had known about the insurance situation before I started cold-calling, I don't think I would have even tried and I would not have had the amazing experiences and knowledge I have today. (Including how to say "burnt" in Italian, Spanish, and French!)

So, in some ways, yes, I think ignorance is bliss. How else can you achieve the impossible? I know many would argue that it was just blind luck, but I like to think it was because I had the gumption to put myself out there, take that first step, and jump feet first into the unknown. If no one tells you you can't do something, then maybe you can! Sometimes it's ignorance that lets you solve problems and meet your goals in fresh and exciting ways!

If you have a similar story of gumption, please email it to me and I will share the most inspiring in my next post!

And for those of you who love food as much as I do, I'm adding a page dedicated only to Foodie Films only added to my decision to pursue a career in cooking. Movies that inspire me. Maybe it's just the romantic in me, but I'm sure these
If you have your own foodie films, let me know and I'll try to add them to the list!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


In my quest to eradicate all cellulite from my body, I have learned many interesting things...  For instance, women's fat tissue is composed differently than men's! And we are blessed by having our fat connected to our skin tissue (instead of having it sit beneath the surface of our skin, like men's fat does). Yayyyyy us. The result is that lovely thing called CELLULITE!

In the last year I have noticed cellulite emerging in, not only my butt and thighs (fairly normal), but also my stomach and calves?! WTF?! So while I know anti-cellulite creams etc are only temporary solutions, I will attempt to battle this any way I can! Exercise and weight loss should provide a more permanent solution though, which I am already on top of.

In the meantime, I have started the Fat Girl Slim regimen today! (Horrible name, I know!) The scent of this anti-cellulite lotion is minty and slightly medicinal. It seems to absorb quickly and makes my pores feel open and my skin tingly. It costs about $34 including tax, from Sephora. (Yikes!) And it contains caffeine- the latest rage in anti-cellulite/wrinkle cream.

Now, on most of my online research, this product received rave reviews and the users could see results in one week! The instructions read that you should use this twice a day, rubbing the affected area for 20-30 seconds. I'm assuming this helps to break up those pesky fat cells clumping up in my skin.
Well, I'm the kind of person who likes to try things out for myself, so we'll see if it actually follows through on it's boasts. If so, I may quickly become a fan of this product, despite it's somewhat pricey tag.

However, if anyone knows of a better product, or has used Fat Girl Slim for themselves, please leave a comment or write to me and let me know! It would be much appreciated!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Exercise Freaks

Ok. So I hate running. Well, exercise in general, but especially running. I hate it with the fiery passion of a  thousand suns. But, as you may have noticed, one of my goals is to run one mile! It all started with a bad experience in high school (don't you just love those?!).  I had been swimming for two years but when my family moved to Georgia. The state still required that I take one semester of gym, which pretty much consisted of running four days a week. Almost immediately I got horrible shin splints and spent the next three months limping to all my classes. And my coach was no help, telling me to just "run through it." I now know that the key to avoiding this terrible affliction is to stretch like crazy before and after running. (Be the rubber-band...)

Finally, at the end of these torturous three months, on the very last day of class, I ran a complete lap around the track! Naively thinking I had just ran one mile, I was ecstatic! (FYI- one mile is actually a little more than four laps around the standard track.) I felt like I had conquered the world! Like I could run forever and ever! It was the one and only time I've ever experienced that "high' that all those Exercise Freaks talk about. And then... I promptly put my sneakers under my bed and prayed I would never have to see them again.
And here I am dusting off the same sneaks, almost 10 years later, in search of that elusive runners' high (and a cheap form of exercise). I have heard that exercise will give you a sense of euphoria by boosting your endorphins.

Please see Reese Witherspoon in the Legally Blonde clip below if you don't believe me!
(It must be true if Reese says it!)

Again, even when I was swimming an hour a day for two years, I never felt this. Mostly just embarrassment for being the slowest person on the team and that teenage awkwardness that comes with wearing a bathing suit in public.

Having said this, I once had a roommate who just had to run everyday. Even if she was sick! She claimed she would feel better after running. Sweat out the sickness. Although her doctor did tell her to cut back or she would do damage to her internal organs!

So here I am, attempting to fall in love with a sport I hate. Or at least to fall into like with it. And if any of you have some advice on how to fall in love with running or if you just have a good story to tell about how you changed your mind and fell in love with something you hated I would really like to hear about it! In the meantime I'll keep you posted on any mood/appetite/weight changes in this little experiment that is my life. Oh! I also heard that exercise can suppress your appetite. I don't know if this is true but it certainly seems to make food taste better!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Welcome to the blog of me, Betty Smart (and sometimes not-so-smart). This is my personal blog recording all of life's little hiccups and picnics. So, you're probably asking yourself why you would possibly care about little ol'Betty Smarty-pants. Well, I'm not too sure about that myself. At the moment my life isn't going so great. Ok, well, it's a flat out mess! But I like to think of myself as a positive person and I've set some serious (dare we say... ambitious?) goals! And I hope they will inspire all of you to make and meet your own "ambitious" goals!

For starters, a little about myself now...
  • I live in NYC
  • I am a pastry cook
  • I am about to turn 27
  • I have $75 in my bank account
  • I work 60-80 hrs a week (i.e.- no social life)
  • I am 5'3"
  • I weigh 150 lbs.
  • I am $33,000 in debt
My goals are large and many!
(Please see the 'Goals' tab at the top of my blog if this link doesn't work.)

I know, I know... It's a lot. Especially with my limited free time. You see, a little over a year ago I was laid off from my job, as so many people have been lately, and I decided to take this as an opportunity to take a look around me and explore my options. In the end I decided to switch careers from being a wannabe fashion designer (a.k.a.- personal assistant) to being a pastry cook. I was lucky enough to find an amazing French pastry chef willing to take me on even though I had no experience or education in this field. And I was getting paid too! What I didn't realize was that I would be working twice as many hours and taking a pay-cut of about $10K a year! Not to mention gaining 15lbs. And boy did I feel the changes! I decided to move to a cheaper apartment to save money and ended up moving four times in the last year! Each place worse than the last. Don't get me wrong, I actually love what I do now, even more than fashion! But I feel I traded one set of problems in for another. Did I make a good choice? Time will tell. At the moment, it doesn't seem like it. This has been one of the most difficult years of my life. But I'm hoping that with your help, encouragement and feedback I can make the impossible, possible and not just turn my life around, but make it better than before!